Forgotten Songs of the '90s: GWAR

Forgotten Songs of the ‘90s: GWAR

Everyone looks at GWAR as just a goof with no real discernible talent behind them but if one looks behind the makeup and prosthetics, one will find one of the heaviest and loudest metal bands of the last twenty years. What better place to look than 1992’s “The Road Behind.”

Starting off like an eighties power ballad, with acoustic guitar and whistling, Odorous Ungerus blasts in with only a voice a singer like him can possess, talking about life on the road and the rest of the band comes in behind, slowly but effectively. After thrashing around for a while, the chorus comes in with bassist Beefcake the Mighty taking the lead and doing it so well, it sounds like the band were actually trying to score on the radio. But alas, it was all for nothing and they’ve never been able to break into the mainstream. This song just proves that they still are one of the best no-nonsense metal bands around.

Twenty five years down the line and they’re still going strong and they’re now more popular than they’ve been since 1992. It’s a testament to how they’ve stuck to their principles and never changed a damn thing about anything they’ve ever done. Even though he wouldn't join the band for another ten years, R.I.P. Cory Smoot!


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