Forgotten Songs of the '90s: Unsane

Forgotten Songs of the ‘90s: Unsane

Unsane were always one of the loudest, heaviest bands of the Noise Rock scene of the early ‘90s coming up alongside bands like Helmet, Cop Shoot Cop and Surgery but Unsane were able to keep coming out with strong records their entire career. 1996’s Scattered Smothered and Covered was no exception and with the record, they also released one of the coolest songs of their career: “Scrape.”

Starting out with the thrashing guitar of frontman Chris Spencer, the trio come at you with full tilt and never let up. The effect on Spencer’s screaming is one that it tends to blend in greatly with the music and it doesn’t sound forced. With the rhythm section of drummer Vinnie Signorelli and bassist Dave Curran constantly gaining ground as the song moves on, it’s only a matter of time before they all collide and in the crescendo they come together perfectly and Chris just screams his head off but it all made a great song and a great combination of sounds.

Now in a genius move, realizing that MTV wouldn’t play the song because they weren’t Helmet, they made one of the greatest videos of all time to accompany the song: a collection of wicked skateboarding injuries. If you wanted to make one of your friends squeamish, put this video on and be prepared to laugh your ass off. But the best thing is that your friends will turn to you and say, “Wow, that’s a great song.” Try it for yourselves, works every time.


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