Forgotten Songs of the '80s: OMD

Forgotten Songs of the ‘80s: OMD

OMD, short for Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark are probably best known for their light pop anthem “If You Leave,” which was featured in “Pretty in Pink” or one of those eighties teen films. But before that song became a top ten hit in America, they were a gritty post-punk English new wave band and released one of the greatest songs of that era, “Enola Gay.”

Starting off with an instantly recognizable keyboard intro, the song then goes into high gear when frontman Andy McCluskey’s deep tenor starts floating all over the melody in a brilliant blending of music and vocals. Named after the WWII bomb, the song talks about the bomb in a very chilling and damning way. The song’s bouncy rhythm helps keep the mood up while bringing it down at the same time but again, that’s what most new wave songs of the era did. What makes this one so unique is how fresh and cool the song still sounds, almost thirty years after it was recorded. Try finding another ten songs from the same era that still sound the same way; can’t do it can ya?

OMD still continues to this day with the vintage eighties lineup reunited so the song is still played live and as a result, people will remember how great the song is and pass the song’s legacy down through the generations. (Enola Gay Live)


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