Forgotten Songs of the '80s: Husker Du

Forgotten Songs of the ’80s: Husker Du

Husker Du were one of the greatest post-punk/hardcore bands of all time but it’s only been in the last ten years or so that their legacy has begun to grow. It doesn’t help at this point that most of their output is out of print except for iTunes but for those who prefer to own an actual disc, you’re out of luck for a while. But in the meantime, everyone needs to listen to “Don’t Want to Know If You Are Lonely.”

Kicking off with drummer Grant Hart’s traditional rolling intro, the band gets things going quickly before the listener has a chance to gauge what’s going on. Grant takes the lead here leaving guitarist Bob Mould in the dust. But that’s not a deterrent at all; in fact it makes the song all the much stronger. Grant sings his lyrics about telling a girlfriend (or boyfriend) off while yet feeling a bit miserable at the same point. In the end, the protagonist is trying to get over her and is optimistic about his future.

While the song garnered a lot of play on underground alternative radio, the world at large basically ignored it, which is a damn shame. About two years after the song came out, the band disbanded. But since that time, the song’s influence has grown as bands like Green Day have realized it as a landmark punk love song. So take a listen and decide if Husker Du have garnered enough respect.


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