Forgotten Songs of the '90s: Stabbing Westward

Forgotten Songs of the ‘90s: Stabbing Westward

Stabbing Westward are now looked at as basically another band to jump on the industrial bandwagon that was so huge in the mid-‘90s but for a time they were one of the most popular bands in the country. In 1996, they hit it big with “What Do I Have to Do?” a kind of industrial ballad that was their calling card. But it was the second single off of Wither Blister Burn + Peel that was their best song: “Shame.”

Kicking off with a slow burning intro, the band soon kicks in with a kind of mid-tempo approach that really gives the song its kicks. Vocalist Christopher Hall then begins singing in his normal soulful croon that really fits in with the song’s vibe. While most of Stabbing Westward’s songs deal with life and love, the haunting creepiness of “Shame” sticks out in their catalog.

As the song continues, the breakdown allows Christopher the chance to explore his vocals and to give the song heightened atmospherics. Then as the band comes back in, the music becomes louder and Chris’ vocals become stronger. As the refrain, “How can I exist without you?” becomes louder, the band starts winding things down until everything crashes in one quick crescendo. If there was one video that represented a song’s meaning, it would be this one with the crazy stalker guy and the band watching the events unroll like it’s a film. All in all, a great way for a ‘90s band to be remembered.


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