Forgotten Songs of the 21st Century: Safetysuit

Forgotten Songs of the 21st Century: Safetysuit

Some songs are bound for greatness but others, while great are destined to slip through the cracks. Such is the case of Safetysuit and their debut single “Someone Like You.”

Released in the summer of 2008, the song is pure pop-rock from the ‘90s in the same vein as Gin Blossoms or even early this century with Vertical Horizon. Starting off with a great riff and an excellent hook, the song rises and falls with the vocals of Doug Brown but man does it work well.

When the chorus comes crashing down on you, it rings around your head like only a perfect pop song can and for days on end, you will have the hook and the refrain and everything lobbed in your memory unable to jam it out.

The song came out but was almost unheard at mainstream rock radio. I can recall in the summer of 2008, they played the 96XFest in Norfolk, VA and were at the bottom of the bill; playing above them: Carolina Liar, whose music is tailor-made for the Gap and Kohl’s and nowhere else. It seemed the only place to really hear the song was on XM Satellite Radio but then airplay ceased when it became SiriusXM Satellite. It seemed that the song was just unable to catch a break. Maybe someday in the future, the song’s chance will come around and the band will be able to bask in the glory of having written one great song.


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