Forgotten Songs of the '80s: Dangerous Toys

Forgotten Songs of the ‘80s: Dangerous Toys

When Dangerous Toys released their self-titled debut in 1989, the band were viewed quite differently than other hair-metal bands, mostly because of Jason McMaster’s voice which sounded like Janis Joplin if she gargled with blood. The best song of the band’s career is “Scared,” which has always been one of my favorites even when I first heard it.

The song is supposed to be a tribute to Alice Cooper but the video is more of a tribute than the song because the song is like a power ballad but with balls and electric guitars instead of acoustic. I had forgotten about the song for years until the advent of VH1 Classic which played the video quite a lot and allowed me to remember a song from my youth I had wanted to hear again but had no way to.

The song still sounds as good as it did in 1989 and the guitars still come straight at you like it was yesterday. While not everything else on the record stands up like “Scared,” that’s what you expect from most hair-metal bands; one or two songs still sound excellent twenty years later but almost everything else sounds like crap. But that’s okay with some of these bands because no one expected them to still sound fantastic twenty years later. So go, find “Scared” and see what you think.


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