Forgotten Songs of the '90s: fIREHOSE

Forgotten Songs of the ‘90s: fIREHOSE

When fIREHOSE released their fourth album and major-label debut, Flyin’ the Flannel in 1991, the record was a largely scattershot affair. One song, however, stood out from the rest of the pack and remains one of the band’s best and undiscovered songs: a cover of Daniel Johnston’s “Walking The Cow.”

The song is basic in its approach, led by the always superb bass playing of Mike Watt with minimal but excellent guitar from Ed Crawford and restrained drumming courtesy of George Hurley. The song’s big draw is Mike’s vocals which take on an approach that had not been heard in quite a while from him. The song is typical of most Daniel Johnston songs but fIREHOSE takes it up a notch; by adding more instruments to the mix and taking the vocals down, the song is able to see its full potential.

The otherwise unseen video for the song is along the same lines, very beautiful, kind of creepy but straight to the point. There’s a kid walking through lush fields with a cow dealing with various people along his path, intercut with sparse performance footage. The raw performance helps to capture the song’s light intensity while still being cool and altogether different.

Flyin’ the Flannel failed to build the band’s fanbase and after one more album, they disbanded in 1994. But for the people who knew fIREHOSE and knew what they accomplished, their high stature is guaranteed.


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