The Year End List

The Best of 2010! By: Pete Crigler Well another year has circled the drain and the world of music has gotten worse and worse. In 2010, there just wasn’t a lot of kickass music like there’s been in previous years but it not the musicians’ fault, it’s everything else, just because there haven’t been a lot of good things to listen to. But these bands have stood out by rebelling against the bullshit and doing what they best. On the personal side, 2010 has been one of the best fuckin’ years in recent memory with the runaway success of my first book “Keeping It Tight In The Old Dominion: A History of Virginia Rock Music” and work with Redefine Online. As you read this list, go and download some shit you wouldn’t listened to earlier. With 2011 comes some excellent music so take a chance DAMMIT! Records of The Year: 1. Stone Temple Pilots- S/T With a long-awaited new record, Stone Temple Pilots combined the best of their past with their future and turned in a great pop alternative record that ...